How to Take Care of Laptop
Laptops vary in shapes and size, and even color and should never be dropped. We share our lives with them and would be devastated if we ever lost it. As with anything, they should be kept clean and cool, and well-fed, so to speak. Another aspect of Laptop is that it has joints that need to be exercised. They should never be allowed to get too hot and should be rested everyday. And when your day with Laptop is over, you should put it in a soft and safe place so that it will still be there the next day.
You probably think I am too close to my Laptop, even for a computer guy, but I just wanted to share a couple pictures of the new Laptop we just got. He is a 6 week old Chihuahua/Terrier mix that we named “Laptop”. Sorry for the confusion with a computer laptop. Needless to say, that we will be spending less time with our computer laptop and more time with the living, breathing Laptop, although I can’t speak for “Laptop” himself.
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