Thank you for visiting, but as you may have noticed, I haven’t updated this blog in some time. That is because I have been focusing my efforts on another website named ComputerAfterCare at
You will find that I am still very much into prevention of computer problems, but not just for spyware prevention, but for all sorts of computer problems through regular, preventive maintenance. You will find more videos on how to actually perform some very quick daily maintenance tasks, all the way through, weekly, monthly, quarterly maintenance and so on. It is still “NOT” my aim to make anybody into a technician, but to just prod you to get involved with some simple tasks that will help your computer to run better, faster, and more reliably.
Blue Screens are definitely a show stopper when using Windows, whether they were caused by Windows registry or system file corruption, software conflicts, outdated or corrupt drivers, and even spyware infections. Since the system freezes when you get a Blue Screen, the mouse and keyboard will not respond and all you can do is shutdown and restart the PC with the power button.
If you have read my previous posts about bad shutdowns, you know that repeated bad shutdowns can cause your hard drive to develop file system errors and even bad sectors. Hopefully you can restart your PC in a way that it won’t Blue Screen right away, such as in the Safe Mode, and then you can begin troubleshooting.
The following video will give you some insight directly from Microsoft about how to fix blue screens. While it is primarily for Windows 7, the techniques pretty much apply for any version of Windows, although some features may not be available on older Windows versions.
The following 2 links contain info mentioned in the video.
Remote Computer Service Can Save You Time and Money
Remote computer service is nothing new, but it is increasingly becoming more popular because of improvements in technology as well as the shear convenience of having all the work done without having to go anywhere. With remote computer service, I can operate your computer as if I were sitting right in front of it, even though I am in Texas. It can also be less expensive to have your computer repaired this way because of the low overhead of the remote service business model. Keep reading to see how you can redeem an awesome free bonus. Read More Here…
Are You Really Looking for the Best Free Spyware?
If you are looking for the best free spyware on a spyware prevention website, I’ll need to ask you a couple questions first. Are you looking for software such as a keylogger that you can intentionally install on one of your own computers at home or at work so “you” can spy on your significant other, employees or whoever happens to use your computers? Or are you actually looking for a free program that can help you prevent or remove spyware from your computer? Read More Here…
What Causes a Blue Screen is Not Always Spyware Related
Most anybody who uses Windows has probably seen a Blue Screen after Windows experienced a critical error, but not many consumers know what causes a Blue Screen. Its true that Spyware and other malware infections can cause a variety Blue Screens of Death, or BSODs as we call them, but corrupted or outdated drivers can also cause a BSOD. There are hundreds, if not thousands of software and hardware issues that can cause a Blue Screen.
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ESET has a great new March Madness promotion that is good through April 8th.
ESET Smart Security 6 is an all-in-one Internet Security solution with new Anti-theft feature that locates your missing laptop and gives you tools to help recover it. Personal Firewall and Anti-Phishing keep your data safe from identity theft and other scams.
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