My Hard Drive is Bad and all My Programs and Data are Gone! … Or are They?

I’ve been seeing an increase in a different type of Fake Alert program in the last few months that are really annoying. I suppose the masses are now aware of the Fake Antivirus, AntiSpyware and Registry Cleaner programs by now, but there are other types of Fake Alert programs that may catch you off guard and people are falling for them. One such Fake Alert are computer analysis and optimization programs in the the Fake Hard Disk Drive (FakeHDD) family of programs.
The majority of these FakeHDD programs involve making you think your hard drive is going bad and that you have lost data. While it is possible for a bad hard drive to still work well enough to boot to Windows, some of the errors these FakeHDD programs warn you about should be fatal to your system. And if that were true, your computer shouldn’t even work enough to for you to even be seeing the alert. I hope that makes sense. Two FakeHDD programs I have been seeing recently are called “System Restore” and “Data Restore“. Some of the fake errors you might see are: Read More Here…
Why Some Hard Drives Fail Prematurely

(Free Members Only) While some hard drives fail prematurely for no apparent reason, others fail because of environmental reasons such as heat or physical shock, or maybe even an occasional power surge. While these are understandable causes for sudden electronic failures, I want to focus on a more subtle reason for most of the hard drive failures I see on a regular basis. Reasons that result in unwanted computer down time, data loss, and a quest for a data recovery company that can recover your lost files without costing an arm and a leg. Read More Here…
Data Recovery Considerations

(Free Members Only) Ever since personal computers have become a common household item, consumers and businesses alike have been driving the data recovery industry to new heights. Instead of keeping our photo albums, our music, video library, and important documents stored in nice binders or storage racks, we now opt to keep our stuff organized in digital files and folders on our personal computers. Computers have come so far, so fast, that most people just weren’t prepared how to protect their digital clouds of information, and many have lost their life’s work, their media library, even their baby pictures, because they were not backed-up. Read More Here…