Before You Upgrade Firefox – Read This First!

I have been a happy Firefox user for quite a few years now. I pretty much use Firefox exclusively, except for when I am interacting with a website that requires ActiveX. When a website requires ActiveX, such as for some online games, online scanners, online college course and more, then you need Internet Explorer. But there are malicious websites out there that might deceive you into downloading an ActiveX control that might actually contain malware, so do your homework before you install any unknown ActiveX controls. Read More Here…
How to Use the Anti-Malware Toolkit Utility

(Free Members Only) Anti-Malware Toolkit (AMT) is a freeware program from Lunarsoft that offers an easy, one-stop shopping method of selectively downloading a highly recommended collection of freeware programs to help users clean and remove malware from their computers. AMT contains many of the products recommended in my “soon-to-be-released” free “Anti-Malware Toolkit and Beyond” ebook. We’ve already done the research for you about what tools work the best, so you can spend your valuable time actually fixing your computer. Read More Here…
Internet Explorer 9 Released

Windows Internet Explorer 9 was released today after a year or so in the making since it’s announcement. Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) boasts a long list of new and improved performance and security features. Since Microsoft has already posted a ton of information about IE9 (see various links below), I’ll just mention a few noteworthy excerpts here. But I urge you to read the next subheading “Upgrade Tips and Lessons Learned” before you blindly decide to upgrade IE on your computer so your first experience with IE9 goes smoothly. Read More Here…