Is it Time to Upgrade to Windows 7 Yet?

Its been about 2 years now since Windows 7 was released. I was immediately content with Windows 7 over XP and especially Vista early on. Sure I discovered a few annoying issues, but as a tech, I was usually able to find a fix or a work around, and most of them were minor anyway. But for non-techs who don’t want to become a glorified beta-tester, this is good enough reason to wait a bit before you decide to go forward with any major Windows Update or Upgrades until the annoyance are worked out. But how do you know how long to wait? Read More Here…
Internet Explorer 9 Released

Windows Internet Explorer 9 was released today after a year or so in the making since it’s announcement. Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) boasts a long list of new and improved performance and security features. Since Microsoft has already posted a ton of information about IE9 (see various links below), I’ll just mention a few noteworthy excerpts here. But I urge you to read the next subheading “Upgrade Tips and Lessons Learned” before you blindly decide to upgrade IE on your computer so your first experience with IE9 goes smoothly. Read More Here…
Windows Updates – Things to Know Before Installing Windows Updates

I often get asked about whether or not Windows Updates should be installed. While this post is mostly about Windows XP, the same concerns apply to both Vista and Windows 7. On the negative side of Windows Updates, some have first hand experience with software problems immediately after installing an update. While it doesn’t happen too often, it might happen to your computer if you don’t take any precautions before installing Windows Updates. Anyway, the video below will show how to recognize the proper Windows Update icon as well as a couple ways that you can begin a Windows Update. Read More Here…