Where is the Start Button in Windows 8?

A Little Off Topic, but Where is the Start Button in Windows 8?
So you just got a new Windows 8 computer and you immediately wondered where is the Start Button in Windows 8? After poking around for a bit while in the new Metro Start Screen, your finally got to your Desktop, but still no Start Button, or Start Menu as I call it. Yes, Microsoft removed it from Windows 8.
Fortunately, for those of us who have depended on the Start Menu to navigate Windows, there are several 3rd party companies that have stood up and made some Start Menu replacements. But rather than getting into reviews of the pros and cons about which is the best, I just decided to show you a video that demonstrates a free, quick way to get one installed using an app called “Classic Shell”. I use it myself and it has suited all my needs so far. Read More Here…
Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs Dies at 56

Who hasn’t heard of an Apple computer these days, especially the popular iPhone, iPods and iPads. Sadly, the tech industry just lost a prominent entrepreneur and inventor today to pancreatic cancer at the young age of 56.
For more information, visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs
How to Take Care of Laptop
Laptops vary in shapes and size, and even color and should never be dropped. We share our lives with them and would be devastated if we ever lost it. As with anything, they should be kept clean and cool, and well-fed, so to speak. Another aspect of Laptop is that it has joints that need to be exercised. They should never be allowed to get too hot and should be rested everyday. And when your day with Laptop is over, you should put it in a soft and safe place so that it will still be there the next day. Read More Here…
Don’t Get Infected Trying to Fix Drivers

A high percentage of computers I check-in for spyware removal have one or more driver utility programs installed, not to mention, some other no-name registry cleaners and other fix-it type utilities. I’m not going to review any of them here, but I will say that some of them may be ad supported (adware), which can eventually escalate into a more serious malware infection. While some people might unknowingly download a driver utility program as part some software bundle, others might intentionally download one after they suspected they might have a driver problem. But if you feel you have encountered some bad drivers like in this picture, read-on… Read More Here…
Online Safety for Internet Savvy Teens

Microsoft recently released a FREE ebook to help teenagers keep themselves safer online. The credit goes to security expert and author, Linda McCarthy who partnered with Microsoft, to provide this must-have (and free) downloadable version of her new book, which was written for computer and Internet savvy “tweens” and teens, as well as their parents and educators titled:
“Own Your Space – Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online“
Special Announcement! – What Are You Doing Sunday Night?

Since you obviously use computers, you have shown an interest in technology, and if you are like most people and have a cell phone or home phone, you know how important telecommunications is in our daily lives.
With that said, do you know who the largest direct seller of telecommunications products and services in the world is?