Best Free Spyware
Are You Really Looking for the Best Free Spyware?
If you are looking for the best free spyware on a spyware prevention website, I’ll need to ask you a couple questions first. Are you looking for software such as a keylogger that you can intentionally install on one of your own computers at home or at work so “you” can spy on your significant other, employees or whoever happens to use your computers? Or are you actually looking for a free program that can help you prevent or remove spyware from your computer? Read More Here…
ESET Smart Security March Madness Promotion

ESET has a great new March Madness promotion that is good through April 8th.
ESET Smart Security 6 is an all-in-one Internet Security solution with new Anti-theft feature that locates your missing laptop and gives you tools to help recover it. Personal Firewall and Anti-Phishing keep your data safe from identity theft and other scams.
How to Use the Anti-Malware Toolkit Utility

(Free Members Only) Anti-Malware Toolkit (AMT) is a freeware program from Lunarsoft that offers an easy, one-stop shopping method of selectively downloading a highly recommended collection of freeware programs to help users clean and remove malware from their computers. AMT contains many of the products recommended in my “soon-to-be-released” free “Anti-Malware Toolkit and Beyond” ebook. We’ve already done the research for you about what tools work the best, so you can spend your valuable time actually fixing your computer. Read More Here…
Is My Blue Screen Caused by a Virus or Spyware?

What is the Blue Screen of Death
Have you ever seen the infamous Blue Screen of Death, otherwise known as a BSOD, like the one below? A BSOD is a critical error that can be caused by viruses, spyware, incompatible software, and hardware failures.
Spyware Prevention – Are You Doing Your Part?

Every week, I get to see quite a few repeat customers carrying their computer into my shop again, that last came in about 6 – 12 months ago. No, they are not here for any scheduled maintenance, they are usually back because of another malware infection. Not that I didn’t fix it right the first time, but because they repeated the same habits that got them infected in the first place.
AntiVirus and AntiSpyware Programs – If “1” is Good, Is “2” Better?

I’ve had a few computer problems this week again that must have resulted from a misconception some people have about antivirus programs. I’m talking about the big No-No of having “2” antivirus programs installed. For that matter, 2 Firewalls or 2 “active” AntiSpyware programs.
To put it in biblical terms, you can’t have 2 masters. Here are a few reasons I have heard why some people end up with 2 of the same type of security program. Please feel free to comment and share your reason… Read More Here…