Where is the Start Button in Windows 8?

A Little Off Topic, but Where is the Start Button in Windows 8?
So you just got a new Windows 8 computer and you immediately wondered where is the Start Button in Windows 8? After poking around for a bit while in the new Metro Start Screen, your finally got to your Desktop, but still no Start Button, or Start Menu as I call it. Yes, Microsoft removed it from Windows 8.
Fortunately, for those of us who have depended on the Start Menu to navigate Windows, there are several 3rd party companies that have stood up and made some Start Menu replacements. But rather than getting into reviews of the pros and cons about which is the best, I just decided to show you a video that demonstrates a free, quick way to get one installed using an app called “Classic Shell”. I use it myself and it has suited all my needs so far. Read More Here…
Monitor Says “No Signal Input” or “Monitor Going to Sleep”

(Free Members Only) Have you ever had a problem with your computer when you turned it on, that the monitor stayed dark just as if it were still off, or if it displayed anything at all, it said “No Signal Input” or “Monitor Going to Sleep”? Or in some cases, along with a dark screen, did your computer immediately start making any beeping sounds?
The “No Signal” or “Monitor Going to Sleep” display on your monitor is actually generated internally within the monitor, and aside from a connection problem, the monitor is probably okay. This typically occurs when the computer has failed in a way that there is no video output signal to the monitor. As for any beeping, it is sort of a morse code indication about a Power-On Self Test (P.O.S.T.) that failed. While this article was written with desktop computers in mind, most of it still applies to laptops as well, just know that laptop parts are layed-out differently, and may not be user-accessible.
You probably noticed that when your computer is working, that you hear a single beep when your computer begins to boot-up. This is a good POST beep and means that your system passed POST. If your computer didn’t pass POST and it beeps with continuous combinations of long and short beeps, there are 5 main hardware items that can cause this problem: Read More Here…
How to Download YouTube Videos Without Getting Infected

With high-speed internet at home and 4G on the go, literally untold millions of people are watching streaming video on their smart phones, ipods and tablets on a regular basis. For the internet savvy folks, we have already learned how to safely download, convert and import these audios and videos into our mobile devices long ago (in computer years that is). But if you are new to this game or are finally stepping outside the safety of iTunes to get all that great free stuff that is just waiting to be downloaded, then you need to finish reading this article first or you just might get infected on your first night out. I’m not talking so much about what kind of virus and spyware “protection” to use to keep safe on the internet, I’m talking about virus and spyware “prevention” by choosing safe programs or “methods” to do this downloading. But where do you start? Read More Here…
Do You Really Want To Know Why Your Antivirus Program Didn’t Protect You?

I won’t say I’ve heard it all, but I have heard enough. Enough from customers that have asked me how did my computer get infected, I’ve got Norton, or McAfee, or whatever. Aren’t they some of the best virus and spyware protection products on the market? Without getting into any preferences for antivirus software, many of the good ones still fall short when it comes to detecting zero-day threats. Even the best of the best just can’t detect them all. And don’t forget the obvious, that some people have absolutely no antivirus software at all, while others’ is expired, or hasn’t been updated. Then there are just some that are extremely high-risk internet surfers that can’t lay off the adult and pirated software websites that are saturated with malware. But what you can do about it will require you to read and understand a bit about zero-day threats and how we need a new approach to computer security, one that is actually opposite to what you have been using. Its actually not new, its just not what became the accepted standard. We have been a bunch of cows going over the cliff for far too long now. Read More Here…
How to Use the Anti-Malware Toolkit Utility

(Free Members Only) Anti-Malware Toolkit (AMT) is a freeware program from Lunarsoft that offers an easy, one-stop shopping method of selectively downloading a highly recommended collection of freeware programs to help users clean and remove malware from their computers. AMT contains many of the products recommended in my “soon-to-be-released” free “Anti-Malware Toolkit and Beyond” ebook. We’ve already done the research for you about what tools work the best, so you can spend your valuable time actually fixing your computer. Read More Here…
Online Safety for Internet Savvy Teens

Microsoft recently released a FREE ebook to help teenagers keep themselves safer online. The credit goes to security expert and author, Linda McCarthy who partnered with Microsoft, to provide this must-have (and free) downloadable version of her new book, which was written for computer and Internet savvy “tweens” and teens, as well as their parents and educators titled:
“Own Your Space – Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online“