Where is the Start Button in Windows 8?

A Little Off Topic, but Where is the Start Button in Windows 8?
So you just got a new Windows 8 computer and you immediately wondered where is the Start Button in Windows 8? After poking around for a bit while in the new Metro Start Screen, your finally got to your Desktop, but still no Start Button, or Start Menu as I call it. Yes, Microsoft removed it from Windows 8.
Fortunately, for those of us who have depended on the Start Menu to navigate Windows, there are several 3rd party companies that have stood up and made some Start Menu replacements. But rather than getting into reviews of the pros and cons about which is the best, I just decided to show you a video that demonstrates a free, quick way to get one installed using an app called “Classic Shell”. I use it myself and it has suited all my needs so far. Read More Here…
How to Unhide Programs and Folders Hidden by FakeHDD Alert Programs

I mentioned this in a previous post but I wanted to bring it up again because I continue to see a variety of “malicious” FakeHDD Alert programs that are rendering people’s computers almost useless because it hides many of your programs, files and folders.
The biggest preliminary caution about this type of infection is to “NOT” run a Temp File cleaner like CCleaner until “AFTER” you have restored your Program File shortcuts. While cleaning the temp files would normally be one of the early steps you should perform, in this case, you would be deleting the folder that the malicious program is hiding them in, namely C:\Windows\Temp\smtmp. Read More Here…
Before You Upgrade Firefox – Read This First!

I have been a happy Firefox user for quite a few years now. I pretty much use Firefox exclusively, except for when I am interacting with a website that requires ActiveX. When a website requires ActiveX, such as for some online games, online scanners, online college course and more, then you need Internet Explorer. But there are malicious websites out there that might deceive you into downloading an ActiveX control that might actually contain malware, so do your homework before you install any unknown ActiveX controls. Read More Here…
How to Download YouTube Videos Without Getting Infected

With high-speed internet at home and 4G on the go, literally untold millions of people are watching streaming video on their smart phones, ipods and tablets on a regular basis. For the internet savvy folks, we have already learned how to safely download, convert and import these audios and videos into our mobile devices long ago (in computer years that is). But if you are new to this game or are finally stepping outside the safety of iTunes to get all that great free stuff that is just waiting to be downloaded, then you need to finish reading this article first or you just might get infected on your first night out. I’m not talking so much about what kind of virus and spyware “protection” to use to keep safe on the internet, I’m talking about virus and spyware “prevention” by choosing safe programs or “methods” to do this downloading. But where do you start? Read More Here…
How to Repair Adobe Flash Player – Screenshots

Do you watch videos online? These days, its not uncommon to get deceived into clicking a link to see some cool video that ended up prompting you to download a plugin first before you could view it. The video link could be something you received in an email, a Facebook friend, or a link you just found yourself while Googling. Whatever the case, many people are getting tricked into downloading fake Flash Players and other malicious plugins which can corrupt your Internet Browser and its plugins, not to mention causing Windows to become unstable, or worse yet … getting ripped-off online. Don’t depend solely on your virus and spyware protection software to protect you against threats you invited in yourself, even if you were deceived. When in doubt about downloading some plugin, find out what it is first, whether it is safe or not, and download it directly from the author’s official website, rather than from some pop-up window you aren’t sure about. While many missing plugin prompts are legitimate, it only takes one that isn’t legit to infect your computer.
I can say that watching YouTube videos on their Official Website is pretty safe as far as malware goes, although I might be careful about clicking any links in the description below the video. But have you ever tried to watch some animated content on the internet such as a YouTube video and saw one of the following messages in the list below? Read More Here…
How to Use the Anti-Malware Toolkit Utility

(Free Members Only) Anti-Malware Toolkit (AMT) is a freeware program from Lunarsoft that offers an easy, one-stop shopping method of selectively downloading a highly recommended collection of freeware programs to help users clean and remove malware from their computers. AMT contains many of the products recommended in my “soon-to-be-released” free “Anti-Malware Toolkit and Beyond” ebook. We’ve already done the research for you about what tools work the best, so you can spend your valuable time actually fixing your computer. Read More Here…