We Have Moved to ComputerAfterCare.com

Thank you for visiting SpywarePreventionGuy.com, but as you may have noticed, I haven’t updated this blog in some time. That is because I have been focusing my efforts on another website named ComputerAfterCare at http://computeraftercare.com.
You will find that I am still very much into prevention of computer problems, but not just for spyware prevention, but for all sorts of computer problems through regular, preventive maintenance. You will find more videos on how to actually perform some very quick daily maintenance tasks, all the way through, weekly, monthly, quarterly maintenance and so on. It is still “NOT” my aim to make anybody into a technician, but to just prod you to get involved with some simple tasks that will help your computer to run better, faster, and more reliably.
What Happened to All the Scareware – For Now?

A report from the reputable antivirus vendor “Kaspersky Labs” has indicated that the rate of fake antivirus program attacks (scareware) has decreased substantially. In June 2011, they observed between 50,000 and 60,000 attacks per day, but by October 2011, the number of attacks had dropped to under 10,000 a day. Now these are their numbers and not mine. The fact is that most all the antivirus vendors have failed miserably in protecting our computers from Fake Antivirus programs, so there is no way that they can know the real number. Otherwise, if they knew how to detect it, their software should have prevented it in the first place.
I don’t know the countries where the remaining attacks were concentrated, but it seemed as if the fake antivirus business was still running strong up until about April 2012, at least here in Hawaii. My observations are not scientific and are solely based on my daily workload in removing these fake antivirus programs from customers computers, but I can tell you that there has been a “HUGE” decrease in these types of infections coming into my shop in the last 2-1/2 months or so. Read More Here…
Will You Be One of 350,000 DNS Changer Malware Infected Users Blocked from the Internet on July 9th?

Back in Nov2011, there was an FBI Sting called “Operation Ghost Click” that resulted in the arrest of six Estonian cyber-criminals that used malware known as DNSChanger that infected over 4.2 million computers. Despite their arrest several months ago, there are many computers that could still be infected. So in an effort to clean up the mess left behind by their internet fraud ring, the FBI is urging internet users to check their computers for any DNS Changer malware.
One major sign of the infection is a hijacked internet browser which redirects to other unintended websites, maybe even porn sites, via fake DNS servers. Once your computer is infected with this DNSChanger, it relies on these fake DNS servers to access “all” websites. If the DNS Changer Working Group (DCWG) were to shutdown all these fake DNS servers at once, millions of computers “still” infected with this malware would lose their internet connection. As it was, the DWCG converted all but 350,000 of these fake DNS servers to temporary “clean” DNS servers. Read More Here…
Scary Online Banking Virus in the News!

Anybody who banks online knows to check their account periodically to reconcile your transactions and verify your balance. By keeping a close eye on your balance, as well as checking for unauthorized transactions, you could immediately identify any fraudulent activity with your account and report it asap, or can you? Well, a new version of the SpyEye Trojan just made the news and is making many rethink how they monitor their bank accounts online. This trojan has been used to to steal funds from consumer’s accounts with a twist, it covers it tracks, and edits the balance you see displayed on your computer, making you think your money is still there! Read More Here…
Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs Dies at 56

Who hasn’t heard of an Apple computer these days, especially the popular iPhone, iPods and iPads. Sadly, the tech industry just lost a prominent entrepreneur and inventor today to pancreatic cancer at the young age of 56.
For more information, visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs
Microsoft Offering $250,000 Reward

As the SpywarePreventionGuy, I wanted to help Microsoft put the word out about the $250,000 Reward they are offering for information that leads to the identification, arrest, and criminal conviction of those responsible for controlling the Rustock botnet that was taken down in March. Anyway, the Senior Attorney for the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit, Richard Boscovich, announced the $250,000 reward this week.
The Rustock botnet was a major contributor to the spam problem we all experience in our email inboxes. The Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit is continuing their search for any and all of the cybercriminals involved. Read More Here…