We Have Moved to ComputerAfterCare.com

Thank you for visiting SpywarePreventionGuy.com, but as you may have noticed, I haven’t updated this blog in some time. That is because I have been focusing my efforts on another website named ComputerAfterCare at http://computeraftercare.com.
You will find that I am still very much into prevention of computer problems, but not just for spyware prevention, but for all sorts of computer problems through regular, preventive maintenance. You will find more videos on how to actually perform some very quick daily maintenance tasks, all the way through, weekly, monthly, quarterly maintenance and so on. It is still “NOT” my aim to make anybody into a technician, but to just prod you to get involved with some simple tasks that will help your computer to run better, faster, and more reliably.
How to Remove CyberDefender – aka MyCleanPC.com and DoubleMySpeed.com

I have warned about CyberDefender’s “borderline scam” before under my “Reviews” category. But it seems like a good time to get out the warning again, especially since the economy has prompted so many people to try and fix their own computer problems, rather than to have them fixed by a professional. I call it a “borderline scam” because they probably do just enough to fulfill some bare-minimum, mumbo-jumbo legal requirement. First of all, MyCleanPC.com and DoubleMySpeed.com are alias websites for CyberDefender.com. These websites are all owned by the same company, which all promote the same products such as CyberDefender PC Checup, Early Detection Center, and Registry Cleaner. Read More Here…
AntiVirus and AntiSpyware Programs – If “1” is Good, Is “2” Better?

I’ve had a few computer problems this week again that must have resulted from a misconception some people have about antivirus programs. I’m talking about the big No-No of having “2” antivirus programs installed. For that matter, 2 Firewalls or 2 “active” AntiSpyware programs.
To put it in biblical terms, you can’t have 2 masters. Here are a few reasons I have heard why some people end up with 2 of the same type of security program. Please feel free to comment and share your reason… Read More Here…
Dealing With Rogue Software
What is Rogue Software?
Rogue security software, also known as “scareware,” is software that appears to be beneficial from a security perspective but provides limited or no security, generates erroneous or misleading alerts, or attempts to lure users into participating in fraudulent transactions. Read More Here…
What Programs Remove Spyware, Malware, Trojans, and Viruses?
A newsworthy virus just made its debut recently, and coincidentally or not, we saw a surge in malware infections. As usual, I got asked the same questions about how their computer got infected when they said they have an antivirus program, and why didn’t it work? Read More Here…
How to Speed-Up Windows Vista for Free
Aside from choosing to run less-memory intensive Security Software (switching Antivirus brands) that always need to be running to protect your computer, there are basically 3 different ways to speed-up your computer for free using built-in Windows settings.
- Selective Startup
- Disabling Unnecessary Services
- Disabling certain Visual Effects under Performance Options in Advanced System Settings
In this article, I will be focusing on method #3 above to customize the Visual Effects settings. If you turn them all off, you will get the best performance, but you probably won’t like the hyper-classic look with no frills, so I will show you which settings to keep on, to get the most performance with the least trade-off of visual effects. You can actually play with these settings to suit your needs.
The video below will show you exactly how to do this for Windows Vista. The procedure is basically the same for Windows XP and Windows 7, although the available visual effects will vary somewhat.
Now watch the video below … because your computer can be a little faster in just a few minutes.
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